Funding for International Conference

Funding for International Conference

Full-time NCU students

🙆‍♀️ MA, Ph.D.

🔺 You need to be full-time students during applying to the end of the conference

🔺 Each applicant can only be subsidized ONCE in the same fiscal year

✈ Round-Trip Airfare

💼 Registration Fee

👩‍💼 Living Allowance (IF the funding left after covering the airfare and registration fee)

🔺 The total subsidy depends on NSTC's announcement

 📑 Acceptance letter from the conference

 📑 The abstract of the paper

 📑 Recommendation letter (Send to our superivisor via the system)

 📑 Other supporting documents  (e.g. the full text of the paper)

🔺 After your supervisor upload the recommendation letter, the application will automatically send back to you, PLEASE REMEMBER TO SUBMIT IT OUT【Click "Send out to agency"】 to the school to finish the application!

🔺 Provide your round-way tickets, how you pay for the tickets (either the credit card statement or the receipt from the travel agency), the registration record, and how you pay for the registration (credit card statement).

Submit all the required documents to NSTC System

2 MONTHS before your conference!

➿When will be my deadline?

📆 Conference: Sep. 10 - Sep. 14 ⮕ Deadline: Jul. 31st

📆 Conference: Oct. 28 - Nov. 02 ⮕ Deadline: Aug. 31st

⛔ IF you did not have an NSTC account, please create one FIRST

⛔ Apply online ONLY

⛔ Late submissions are not accepted by NSTC

OIA will send out the applications on the every first workday of the month for NSTC reviewing

⛔ NSTC reviewing may take at least 4-6 weeks

NSTC will send the result to your department

Before going abroad, please submit your "NCUOIA Go Abroad System"

💥 OIA Go Abroad System—Notices, Procedure, and Website 💥

Submit your report and total amount of costs on the NSTC system

⛔ Within 15 DAYS after your conference

⛔ The total reimbursement amount CANNOT exceed the granted funding (please ensure all items add up exactly to your funding amount).

Provide your round-way tickets, registration fee receipt, how you pay for those (either the credit card statement or the receipt), and the "NCUOIA Go Abroad Application Form" to your department assistant to help you do the reimbursement in NCU

⑦ Accounting Office will provide the form to OIA, and then OIA will send out your report to NSTC

⛔ May take more than 4 weeks due to the receipts you provide to your department assistant.


  Contact Person  
☎  03-422-7151 #57084
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